North Point of View: Artificial Intelligence

February 13, 2024 00:16:51
North Point of View: Artificial Intelligence
North Point of View
North Point of View: Artificial Intelligence

Feb 13 2024 | 00:16:51


Show Notes

I've had a Roomba now for almost 15 years. Often times it gets stuck. You got to pick it up. You got to move it. You've got to give it a kick. Well, you know, it is kind of primitive software. But then I thought, you don't need very complicated software. You just got to make sure you've got enough sensors and the sensors, conveying location information, then we should be fine. To me, that's the problem with the robot. So the more sensors you put in there, I think the better it will operate because, they can't see. The technology is blind. Read The Singularity, a book by Ray Kurzweil. He basically says around 2040 we'll have machines that will be able to repair themselves, but also to invent themselves. This is also where you get a little worried about those, doomsday science fiction stories where the machines take over the world.

#raykurzweil #savannah #savannahrealestate #savannahga #wsj #ai #artificialintelligence

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