In this episode, Mark Hall and Dr. Walter Kemmsies discuss the 2024 Election.
Excerpts: Let's take a look at the Biden and we'll take a look at what it's likely to happen under Trump. Under Biden, we passed the IJA that was the Infrastructure Investment for Jobs Act, and then we passed the Inflation Reduction Act, which did the opposite. Under Biden, a lot of money got spent on infrastructure. Some of it was appropriately spent for national security reasons. This is not a pick on China, Russia, Iran, or North Korea. It just simply that during Covid, America was smacked in the head with the two by four with an important lesson. You cannot depend on the world economy to do what you want it to do. If Covid hits and you don't have enough masks and you don't have enough medical equipment, and the whole world has got Covid, if you snap your fingers, guess what the answer is? Get lost! And so we struggled.
He failed to convince the consumer. There were other things that should have been invested in for manufacturing in the U.S. that didn't get done. So 60% of all that boom in construction, spending, construction and manufacturing was for EV and EV related stuff. Some of it's good, some of it was too much, and then the rest should have been for medical equipment, pharmaceuticals, other things. When the proverbial crap hits the fan. You can, use the Defense Procurement Act and tell American companies to make these things that we need because of a national emergency.
Mark and Walter discuss the history of recession cycles and why does an oversupply of goods cause recessions. For more information on North Point...
In this episode, Mark Hall and Dr. Walter Kemmsies discuss how circular economy works. The concept of recycling, renewables and repurposing can help increase...
Dr. Walter and Mark Hall discuss the latest data on inflation and compare it to 2021. Dr. Walter also shares the currest status of...